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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - hood


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 I. biographical name John Bell 1831-1879 American Confederate general  II. biographical name Samuel 1724-1816 1st Viscount ~ British admiral  III. biographical name Thomas 1799-1845 English poet HOOD  noun suffix  Etymology: Middle English -hod, from Old English -had; akin to Old High German -heit state, Gothic haidus way, manner  1. state ; condition ; quality ; character widowerhood hardihood  2. time ; period childhood  3. instance of a (specified) state or quality falsehood  4. individuals sharing a (specified) state or character brotherhood HOOD  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hod; akin to Old High German huot head covering, huota guard  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a flexible covering for the head and neck  (2) a protective covering for the head and face  b. a covering for a hawk's head and eyes  c. a covering for a horse's head; also blinder  2.  a. an ornamental scarf worn over an academic gown that indicates by its color the wearer's college or university  b. a color marking or crest on the head of an animal or an expansion of the head that suggests a ~  3.  a. something resembling a ~ in form or use  b. a cover for parts of mechanisms; specifically the movable metal covering over the engine of an automobile  c. chiefly British a top cover over the passenger section of a vehicle usually designed to be folded back  d. an enclosure or canopy provided with a draft for carrying off fumes, sprays, smokes, or dusts  e. a covering for an opening (as a companion hatch) on a boat  • ~ transitive verb  • ~like adjective  II. noun  Date: 1880 ~lum  • ~y adjective  III. noun  or '~  Etymology: short for neighbor~  Date: 1967 a neighbor~ and especially an inner-city neighbor~; also inner city
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a covering for the head and neck, whether part of a cloak etc. or separate. b a separate hoodlike garment worn over a university gown or a surplice to indicate the wearer's degree. 2 Brit. a folding waterproof top of a motor car, pram, etc. 3 US the bonnet of a motor vehicle. 4 a canopy to protect users of machinery or to remove fumes etc. 5 the hoodlike part of a cobra, seal, etc. 6 a leather covering for a hawk's head. --v.tr. cover with a hood. Phrases and idioms hood-mould (or -moulding) Archit. a dripstone. Derivatives hoodless adj. hoodlike adj. Etymology: OE hod f. WG, rel. to HAT 2. n. US sl. a gangster or gunman. Etymology: abbr. of HOODLUM HOOD suffix forming nouns: 1 of condition or state (childhood; falsehood). 2 indicating a collection or group (sisterhood; neighbourhood). Etymology: OE -had, orig. an independent noun, = person, condition, quality ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) крышка; кожух; колпак; чехол покрывать кожухом, колпаком, чехлом 2) зонт; навес 3) вытяжной шкаф; вытяжной колпак 4) хим. колпачок колонны 5) капот (двигателя) 6) возд. фонарь (кабины) 7) складной верх (кузова) 8) капюшон (напр. технологической одежды) - bottle hood - bubbling hood - burning-in hood - charging car hood - chimney hood - coke-quencher hood - contoured hood - cooling hood - degassing hood - draft hood - driving hood - dust hood - engine compartment hood - exhaust hood - focusing hood - fume hood - fume-collecting hood - furnace hood - gas-collecting hood - haze hood - heating hood - instrumental panel hood - in-transit hood - laminar flow hood - lens hood - perforated hood - smoke stack hood - welding hood ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  вытяжной зонт, колпак; вентиляционное укрытие выдвижной козырёк (проходческого щита) aspiration hood canopy hood captor hood chimney hood closed hood cooker hood downdraft hood exhaust hood exterior hood flow metering hood fume hood grinding hood lateral hood one-sided canopy hood open hood projecting hood range hood receptor hood side-draft hood siphon hood slot hood suction hood ventilated hood wall-attached hood weatherproof hood ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  крышка, кожух, колпак ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) зонт 2) капот 3) колпак 4) колпачок 5) крюковой 6) кузов 7) шкаф hood side panel — боковина капота - damper hood - fume-collecting hood - gas-collecting hood - lens hood - viewing hood ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) бот. клобучок, шлем 2) капюшон; хохолок (у птицы) – laminar flow hood ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. academic costume HOOD (Mount Hood) (гора) Худ Вершина в Каскадных горах Cascade Range, на севере штата Орегон. Потухший вулкан, покрытый снегом и ледниками. Наиболее высокая вершина штата - 3428 м. Популярный круглогодичный горнолыжный спуск Палмер-Сноуфилд Palmer Snowfield, рыболовство, катание на каноэ по озеру Триллиум Trillium Lake. Находится в центре Национального лесного заповедника Маунт-Худ Mount Hood National Forest. Живописное шоссе Scenic Highway длиной 63 км ведет из г. Портленда вдоль р. Колумбия Columbia River к вершине горы ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. капюшон; капор; чепец; чепчик; клобук (монаха) 2. унив. капюшон (надевается поверх мантии, цвет зависит от ученой степени) 3. уст. шлем (рыцаря) 4. шапка (облаков или пены) 5. авт. складной верх (автомобиля) (также folding hood, extensible hood) 6. ам. капот 7. тех. кожух, чехол armoured hood —- воен. броневой колпак 8. тех. зонт (дымовой трубы); дефлектор; вытяжной шкаф (в лаборатории, на кухне и т. п.) 9. колпачок bottle hood —- колпачок для бутылок 10. бот. шлем 11. зоол. капюшон (особ. у кобры) 12. хохолок (у птицы) Id: the hood does not make the monk —- посл. не всяк монах, на ком клобук 13. закрывать капюшоном, колпачком и т. п. 14. закрывать, скрывать, прикрывать, замазывать she hooded her eyes against the sun —- она прикрыла глаза от солнца 15. сокр. от ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) капюшон; капор  2) верх (экипажа)  3) хохолок (птицы)  4) крышка, чехол; колпак  5) amer. капот двигателя  2. v.  1) покрывать капюшоном, колпачком  2) закрывать, скрывать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (hoods) 1. A hood is a part of a coat which you can pull up to cover your head. It is in the shape of a triangular bag attached to the neck of the coat at the back. N-COUNT 2. The hood of a car is the metal cover over the engine at the front. (AM; in BRIT, use bonnet) N-COUNT 3. A cooker hood is an electrical device fitted over a cooker above head height, and containing an extractor fan and usually a light. N-COUNT: usu n N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ suffix in nouns the state or time of being something  (a happy childhood | growing to manhood | There's not much likelihood) hood ~ n 1 a part of a coat that you can pull up to cover your head  (a fur-lined hood) 2 a cover fitted above a cooker1 (1) to remove the smell of cooking 3 AmE the metal covering over the engine on a car  (Check under the hood and see what that noise is.) 4 BrE a folding cover on a car or pram, which gives protection from the rain 5 a cover that someone puts over their head to prevent them from being recognized 6 slang originally AmE a hoodlum  (gangs of hoods roaming the streets) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. High Order Of Death ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - "state or condition of being," from O.E. -had "condition, position," cognate with Ger. -heit, from P.Gmc. *khaidus. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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